Let’s heal your relationship with food and body
Empowering you to achieve your nutrition goals
through a safe and non-judgmental approach
Are you ready to break free from the cycle of yo-yo dieting and achieve long-term success with your health and nutrition goals?
Nutrition counseling with a whole person approach that can help you achieve your goals in a sustainable and body positive way.
Imagine having…
Having confidence in building balanced delicious meals
No more feelings of guilt when enjoying fun foods
Learning how food and movement can support your chronic conditions

Relying on internet searches for nutrition information is overwhelming and can easily send you down a rollercoaster of diet culture talk and misinformation.
Your health is important to you and you want to feel good in your body as you may be dealing with
various conditions that make it harder to know what to do.

Working with a dietitian one on one can help provide you with a more personal and sustainable solution that is free from restriction, dieting, and gimmicks.
Offering 1 on 1 Nutrition Counseling
Nutrition Counseling gives you support and guidance from an evidence-based provider that
approaches health with a non-diet and weight-inclusive lens.
1 on 1 nutrition counseling in person or virtually with flexible meal guidance, problem-solving, and nutrition education through a
non-diet and weight-inclusive approach for various conditions such as
diabetes, chronic kidney disease, eating disorders, and cardiovascular diseases.
What you can expect

No more obsessing over the scale
Obsessing over the scale only causes more stress. Our weight inclusive nutrition counseling empowers you to make sustainable changes in your relationship with food and your body, without the pressure of weight loss.

Less guilt about the food you eat
It’s time to let go of the guilt associated with the food you eat. Our weight inclusive nutrition counseling approach encourages you to develop a healthy relationship with food, free from restriction or judgement

The end of doing diet after diet
We know that diets don’t work. Let’s find a sustainable way for you to nourish your body and address your health concerns. We will empower you to make positive changes in your relationship with food and your body without restriction or judgment.

Having more confidence
Take back control of your food choices and boost your confidence by letting go of restrictive dieting. Instead, learn how to make sustainable and healthy food choices that work for you and your lifestyle
How it all works

Call us to learn more about our services
Call us at 916-965-4012 to talk to our
administrative assistant who can answer
all of your questions about
how nutrition counseling works.

Confirm payment or insurance coverage
If we accept your insurance,
then you will need to confirm that it covers
our services. Or you can submit
payment for private pay services.

Attend the first session in person or virtual
The first session can be either
in-person or virtual. You will complete the
required paperwork and we will begin
discussing your concerns.
Pricing & Insurance
60 MINUTES- In-person OR virtual session with a Registered Dietitian
- Complete intake paperwork
- Get to know your Dietitian
- Begin problem-solving for your specific nutrition concerns
- Discuss goal setting
- Collaboration on your individualized plan
30 MINUTES- In-person OR virtual session with a Registered Dietitian
- Problem-solving for your specific nutrition concerns
- Nutrition education personalized for your needs
- Flexible meal guidance and planning
- Goal and inspiration setting
- Continued support
Appointments can be billed for insurance, additional support is out of pocket pay- (1) 30-minute appointment per month
- Weekly Email Check-ins/responses including:
- Journal style prompts
- Assignments or activities
- Resources/Suggestions
- Questions Answered
- Connect Nourishly App with me
- Evaluation of foods logged weekly*
- Suggestions/guidance on foods
- Interactions via the app on messages/comment
We also accept insurance.
Please call 916-965-4012 to verify what
insurance we are currently accepting.
*We can speak English and Russian.
Meet your Dietitian
Hi, I’m Barbara Gowen
Well, my legal name is Varvara, but you can call me Barbara!
Food has always been a part of my life whether through my previous jobs working in the food industry or learning how to make the dishes I grew up with from my grandmother.
Food is community, culture, and connection.
My purpose in life is to help others get that relationship back to where food was not something we obsessed over, counted every morsel of food we put into our mouths, or felt so mindless and out of control about. Healing that relationship is vital to our own journey of health that we want to achieve while also passing that down to the next generation.
My philosophy of healing is starting with shifting our perspective about food, weight, and our health.
Finding ways to get back to nourishing our bodies and balancing out our plates with variety and your preferences in mind.
It is also about discovering ways in which we enjoy to move our bodies again if we are able and helping to work that into our personal routines and schedules.
I am a problem solver with you in assisting and guiding you to figuring out how to best approach small incremental steps towards your goal and intentions.

Fun Facts
Used to play and coach volleyball which is still a big passion for me
Love to garden with my family for our summer vegetable garden
Born in Russia and still speak the language
Loves hosting, cooking for others, and wine tasting!
Masters of Science
Registered Dietitian
Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist (CDCES)
My mission is to provide an inclusive space for people to be seen and heard about their lived experiences and health concerns through a non-diet and weight-inclusive lens which will translate to finding freedom and confidence in their relationship with food and their body.

I believe that all bodies are worthy of dignity and care, regardless of their size. I strive to provide non-judgmental, compassionate, and evidence-based care to all individuals, without trying to change their body size. I believe this approach can lead to better health outcomes and improved overall well-being for individuals.

I believe that it is important to be able to adapt to the unique needs and preferences of each individual client. Having flexibility in my approach allows me to tailor my recommendations to best meet the specific needs of each person, rather than applying a one-size-fits-all approach.

I believe that everyone should have the opportunity to access the information and resources they need to make informed decisions about their health and well-being. I strive to make my services and information accessible to a wide range of individuals, including those with disabilities, language barriers, or limited financial means.

I believe that all individuals should feel safe and comfortable to express their needs and concerns without fear of judgment. I strive to create a non-judgmental and inclusive environment where clients can share their personal experiences and struggles without feeling ashamed or embarrassed.
You are allowed to take up space and get the care you deserve.
You are allowed to no longer feel shame around food and your body.
You are allowed to listen to your body to tell you what it needs.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you take insurance?
Yes, please call to verify what insurance we are currently accepting.
What do I do if my doctor referred me to you?
Please call our main line 916-965-4012 and leave your name and number. We will be in contact with you in order to set up your first appointment.
What happens if my insurance does not cover your services?
You would be responsible for the full payment of the appointment.
What if I have Medi-Cal?
If you are with a medical group i.e. River City or Hills Physicians with Medi-Cal, an authorization is required to be faxed to us by your referring provider before appointments are scheduled.
Contact us
Please call 916-965-4012 and leave your name and number for us to call you back
for the next available appointment if you are not being referred by your doctor/provider.
If you are interested in nutrition counseling and are using insurance, please have your provider fax us a referral to 916-965-1082.
*We can speak English and Russian.
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